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bracelets by davide quartero always tell a small story about themselves: about their fundamental idea, their materials and their artisanal completion. To wit: davide quarter’os bracelet „Nido“ takes hold of the structure of a bird’s nest (ital. nido) and merges it with the classical form of an antique „Armilla“, the bracelet of the Roman Legionaries. Discover these and other stories in our stores in berlin and heidelberg.
Stacks Image 2468
specchio | armreif
roségold (750), diamanten, palisanderholz
thex Created with Sketch.
Stacks Image 2485
nido | armreif
silber (925)
thex Created with Sketch.
Stacks Image 2502
romana | armband
roségold (750), koralle, saphire, palisanderholz
thex Created with Sketch.
Stacks Image 2519
puro | armreif
silber (925), calcedone
thex Created with Sketch.
Stacks Image 2536
specchio | armreif
roségold (750), saphire, granate, bahia-palisander
thex Created with Sketch.
Stacks Image 2553
satellite | armband
weissgold (750), diamanten, palisanderholz
thex Created with Sketch.
Stacks Image 2570
perla | armband
weissgold (750), südsee-perlen, saphire, diamanten, wurzelholz
thex Created with Sketch.
Stacks Image 2583
specchio | armreif
weissgold (750), diamanten, saphire, palisander
thex Created with Sketch.
Stacks Image 2600
ambra | armband
roségold (750), bernstein
thex Created with Sketch.